Two Week Wait

The ‘Two Week Wait’ referral pathway is a request from us to ask the hospital for an urgent appointment for you.  This is because you presented with symptoms that are present in some cancer cases, so we need to be able to rule it out.

Many patients that are referred under the two week appointment system do not have cancer.  Statistics show that only 1 in 20 referrals will result in a cancer diagnosis.

It is likely that you will either get your appointment by post or over the phone.  If you have a phone call from the appointments team, it is possible the number might not display, so please make sure you answer.

Depending on your symptoms, your appointment may be over the phone, to attend an outpatient clinic, a diagnostic test (such as an x-ray or endoscopy) or a combination of the above.

Attending this appointment within two weeks is vitally important and will allow you to benefit from:

  • An early diagnosis and earlier access to treatment, which is shown to improve health outcomes or, (help people to live longer with their cancer)
  • In most cases, early reassurance that cancer has not been diagnosed

If your symptoms change, get worse or if new symptoms develop, you should contact us immediately.

If you don’t get your appointment details within a week, please contact us and we can assist you with chasing it up.

What symptoms might need an urgent referral?

  • A lump that does not go away
  • A change in size, shape or colour of a mole
  • Abnormal bleeding
  • A change in bowel or bladder habits (including increased frequency or bleeding)
  • Persistent tiredness and/or unexplained weightloss

Will I need any tests and how will I get my results?

You may require specialist tests, and if this is the case, you should receive information about your tests and any preparations you need to make.  It may also be the case that you will need to have more than one test on different days.

The test(s) may take place either before or during your first hospital appointment or may be organised for a later date.  This will help the specialist understand the cause of your symptoms.

It is possible that you may initially be contacted by a nurse who will assess your symptoms and advise whether an appointment or diagnostic test is the next appropriate step.  You should be aware that you may need to have a physical examination at your appointment.

You may also wish to ask how you will get your results and how long they might take.  It is very likely that the person testing you will not be able to tell you your results and you will therefore need to wait to speak to your specialist.

The doctor/specialist who orders your test(s) will explain your results.  It may be that you need further tests and if so, this will be explained to you by the specialist or someone in their team.

If you have been waiting longer than expected for your results, you should contact your specialist’s secretary.

If you don’t have their contact details, please contact us and we will be able to assist.

What do I need to do now?

  • We always recommend you take the earliest appointment offered to you. This includes your first appointment and any further tests or investigations.  This will help the specialists develop a treatment plan for you more quickly.
  • Make sure we (your GP) have your correct contact details, e.g. address telephone number(s)and e-mail address. Usually, you will be contacted by telephone by the appointments team.
  • Please try not to cancel your appointment. It is important to let the hospital know immediately if you are unable to attend your appointment, so the appointment can then be offered to someone else.  It is vitally important that you arrange an alternative date and time as soon as possible.
  • If you require an interpreter, please advise the hospital in advance so they can get that arranged for you.
  • Prior to your appointment, you may wish to check if you can take a family member of friend with you for support
  • Make sure you know where you are going to ensure you are on time.
  • At the end of your hospital appointment, you will be given more information about what will happen next. This may include the contact details of a specialist nurse.