Extra evening and weekend routine GP and nurse appointments

Peartree is joining other practices in Welwyn and Hatfield by providing extra evening and weekend routine GP and nurse appointments. This service is being offered as a collective arrangement across the locality to provide additional access to out of hours appointments.

To find out more please visit the following website:

Ephedra Healthcare Ltd – www.ephedrahealthcare.co.uk

Peartree operates a telephone triage system for all new appointments and so please mention to the duty doctor if an evening or weekend appointment is more suitable for you.

Extra appointments will be provided between 6.30-8.00pm Mondays to Fridays and from 8-4pm on Saturdays and from 8-12pm on Sundays. This service will be located at Spring House Medical Centre, Ascots Lane AL7 4HL. It is likely that you will not see a GP or nurse from this practice at one of these appointments but the clinician will have full access to your Peartree Group Practice medical records.