Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) are the regulatory body for Primary Care. In July 2017 Peartree were visited by the CQC for a thorough inspection of operations, premises and staff. The CQC inspection looks at clinical and administrative domains in the areas of Safety (through audit and training), Care, Responsiveness and Accessibility, Effective Operations and Leadership.

Peartree are proud to report that we achieved an overall Good rating and the full report is available to read.

In the areas of Safety, Care, Effectiveness and Leadership Peartree scored highly. The CQC rated us as a Safe, Caring and Well Led practice with effective audit, operations and procedures.

The main improvement which was fedback was in the area of accessibility. In 2016-17 Peartree had a challenging phase with three partners retiring, one on maternity and one on sickness leave. The ability to recruit new GPs is difficult due to a fewer number coming through local training schemes and for an 18 month period Peartree was understaffed. This led to dissatisfaction with accessibility over appointments and the creation of an appointment system which allowed the practice to cope but not offer ideal capacity for its patient list size.

In 2017 Peartree recruited 2 new full time GPs and welcomed back the doctors who had been absent from maternity and sickness. This combined with a new appointment system based on telephone consulting and a new telephone system allowed Peartree to start to offer accessible and high quality healthcare.

Please provide your feedback on our service.

The majority of feedback so far has been highly positive and all feedback has been used to shape how we develop and evolve our appointment system. It is our ambition to keep developing and evolving to meet the increasing demand from patients and we welcome feedback which will allow us to consider and improve our operations.

Peartree Partnership

View the Peartree Group Practice CQC information

View the Report

Mr James Brookman
Dr Alistair McGhee
Dr Robin Davies
Dr Thomas Gillham
Dr Shona Hyde
Dr Johanna Crispim
Dr Caroline Keen
Dr Gita Chawla